Life Coaching

Life Coaching

We are living in an extremely competitive world driven by deadlines, stress and fatigue. The existing scenario urges a need to find solace in someone who is designated to remind your true potential to you. A life coach may be a newer term to the ear but the practice goes back to the era of Mahabharat wherein Arjun became utterly puzzled. He found his mentor and life coach in the form of Lord Krishna. He shared his perplexity, anxiety and infinite fears with his life coach. How Lord Krishna helped Arjun to sort out his thought patterns, cleared his negativity and directed him towards the apt path, is an anecdote in itself. A life coach is someone who makes you more focused, steer you towards the right direction, challenges your apprehensions and motivates you. If you feel that your life has stuck up at some specific concern feel free to get in touch with us.